Tuesday 29 April 2014

download German Riddles Pro for free

German Riddles Pro

Brain & Puzzle

Download .apk

Application is in German only!

In this huge set of more then 1600 riddles, logical puzzles, crosswords and tricky questions everyone can find something to spend a time with benefit and pleasure.

Puzzles and riddles are organized into 14 categories: Süßigkeiten und Gebäck (Texträtsel), Versrätsel, Lustige Mischung (Scherzfragen), Märchenrätsel, Denksport und Knobelaufgaben, Brückenrätsel, Sprichwörter, Analogien, Laterale( Ja-Nein-Rätsel, Rätselkrimis), Zahlenrätsel, Gehirnjogging (Dal-Dal), Lustige Worträtsel, Anagramme and Nicht passender Begriff.

Application has easy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and "favorite" features. In user interface we reflected German cultural colouring: Bretzels as navigation arrows, chequered header and footer etc.

German Riddles Pro can be used by all German speakers and by whose who are learning German as well. As a casual relaxation in transport, as a party game and as an entertainment for kids events.

Stay tuned - we are about to enrich the collection on a regular basis.

Download .apk

All updates, we: Neill Blomkamp District 9 - For Humans onlyThis reminds me very much of the viral campaign for Cloverfield to a large corporation , which has some dark secrets and a hidden agenda this is from rogue nations people discovered on the Internet download German Riddles Pro apk . We will try and follow it as best we can with all updates, we hear in the next few months. With the huge success of The Dark Knight viral marketing campaign , we expect other major studios going experimenting with viral marketing. And I am surprised that Sony has started something so big at Comic-Con so far in advance of the actual release of the film. I think they expect something epic next August?

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