Saturday, 3 May 2014

download Full Memory Game for Kids 3.1 apk free

Full Memory Game for Kids

Brain & Puzzle

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Game for children and adults created by EducApp. The minimum recommended age to play is from 4 years and may be used by youth and adults. This game aims to work on children's cognitive learning. It also develops the ability to memorize and the ability of association, all from the game, showing that learning and fun can go hand in hand. Turn learning into a game!

Memory game that goes a step further, stimulating the mind both in visual memory capacity, as a partner. This matching game provides fun and entertainment while the mind works.

Game developed by teachers and education professionals.

Associative memory This game gives the option to choose between nine different languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Catalan.

Each time you start a game, the cards are shuffled randomly to appear in different positions each time you play again.

In this game is rewarded positively the success of the child with a pleasant sound and funny. Subconsciously taught something as important as the reward. So when you have finished repeatedly educational games, a seventh game will unlock a lot of fun with images of beautiful puppies.

It is divided into several sets:

+ Set of images derived. Children learn that objects such as the paper comes from trees, the honey comes from bees, cow's milk, hen's egg, etc ... so that children at a time that exercise the mind reinforce basic knowledge.

+ Set of colors. With this play, children enhance certain colors associated with objects. Game very attractive colors.

+ Set of the professions. With this memory game children learn to associate professions with imaging features of them. Very important game to improve the capacity of associations.

+ Set to associate words with pictures. Children learn to associate pictures with words, while working memory to remember what position is the corresponding letter. If you change language, the words reinforce the selected language, can play in any of nine languages.

+ Set of shapes and colors. One must distinguish between triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and circles.Reinforce the shapes and colors are added, distinguishing between red and green triangle, circle, green, red circle, red square and green.

+ Case sensitive. It reinforces some letters of the alphabet to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letter.

+ After completion of repeatedly learning all games will unlock a bonus game where puppies are precious. This will reward the effort and perseverance to be done correctly on several occasions educational games.

In short, this memory game for children reinforce their knowledge and develop skills acquired in the classroom under the objectives of their age.

Words related to the implementation tags:

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