Tuesday, 19 August 2014

download iPieta APK


Books & Reference

Download .apk

iPieta (upgrades from iPieta, now includes the former module for Bible Commentaries)


Prayers, Bible, Novus Ordo Calendar, Traditional Calendar; these Catechisms: Baltimore Catechisms #1-3 (original public domain), Cat. of Christian Doctrine, Roman Catechism; Cat. of St. Thomas Aq.; Haydock's Biblical Comm, and and the Catena Aurea (St. Thomas Aq. compilation of the commentaries of the Gospels by the Fathers of the Church).


The first three buttons navigate to the Prayers, Bible, and the Calendar respectively. The Calendar button also serves as a toggle button between the Novus Ordo and the Traditional calendars. iPieta simply remembers the last-used calendar. (There is also an options-menu button to toggle calendars for completeness.)

The fourth button opens the Bookmarks Table.

The last button (V for Veritas or "Truth") opens up the indexed table for the all other content.

The Catechisms are found at the top of the list (press Doctrine to the right for rapid navigation) and the Bible Commentaries are listed after the various spiritual works (press Bible C to the right for fast navigation).

The main navigation features include:

(1) Indexed tables - relevant entries can be found quickly in large tables by touching the indexes to the right.

(2) The top button bar described above.

(3) Left (or right) swipes in webviews to access the next (or previous) file.

(4) Long-pressing table entries: This facilitates various search and bookmark options that depend upon the data being accessed.

(5) The "options menu" which is the physical button on all android devices which gives access to relevant options.

(6) The "search button" which is a physical button on most (but not all) android devices. (Search buttons are also found in the options and/or long-press menus).

(7) And of course, the essential "back" button, which is a physical button on all android devices.

Bookmarks and Searches:

Be sure to check out iPieta's powerful bookmarking and searching capabilities.

Other modules:

There are three other modules. (The original 9 modules have been compressed to only four modules). These modules should work seamlessly together as one app; if you don't have the content the program should take you to the Android market where you can purchase that module for $1.

Download .apk

However, the code in question appears successful worldwide events such as the election of President Barack Obama, the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the 11th September 2001 terrorist attacks predicted download iPieta 1.18 apk . Moreover, it is also bringing two additional books, Bible Code II: The Countdown and Bible Code III: Saving the World. Relativity developed an adaptation of all books for a tentpole release in 2012. In addition to the weight of this supposedly exact Code writer Michael Drosnin is a former reporter for the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal that the code really is and remains to be properly maintained. If this series of books can save the world, then why not release them all at once. Someone who is a real dick. All Bible Code fans excited?

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