Monday 17 March 2014

download Deluxe Morse Code Attack! for free

Deluxe Morse Code Attack!


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You can test drive this app via a web browser on the Amazon site.

Level 130 -> 13.30 WPM.

Level 165 -> 20.03 WPM.

Level 200 -> 40.00 WPM.

You need to be able to read and write English in order to play this game.

Word drill mode selects words from a dictionary of more than 10000 words.

Even though this is presented in a game like format, it is more of a morse code trainer or teacher. If you are serious about learning morse code, I suggest you dedicate 20 to 30 minutes a day, at least 3 to 4 times a week using this trainer.

To ease the learning curve, levels 1 through 9 will show the visual word choices before the audio word starts playing. Levels 10 and higher will show the visual word choices after the audio word has finished playing. Also, there are now four different drill types: letters, numbers, punctuation, words.

In word drill mode, when you hear a word, you may only recognize a few letters. But those few letters can often be enough to help you choose the correct answer.

With practice, through contextual bootstrapping, you end up learning the remaining letters and being able to process them at progressively higher speed rates.

Each level is slightly faster than the level before it. The speed change is barely noticeable, but it adds up. Check out the YouTube video link below for a demo.

This finely tuned computer aided learning is much easier to use than the standard Farnsworth and Koch methods. Granted, prior to the computer era, Koch and Farnsworth were the only alternatives..

It is probably easier and more fun if you use a notepad to jot down letters as you hear them. Use the play button (circular arrow) to replay the code, as needed. If you try to do it all in your head, you will most likely fumble it. Use a notepad !

Each level is comprised of 5 sets of 5 steps. After each set of 5 steps, you will need to press the play button (circular arrow) to continue on to the next set.

Scores are posted to Scoreloop ( ).

Note that the Word Drills mode actually contains a few punctuation and number steps near the end of each level.

You can hear what Deluxe Morse Code Attack sounds like at the following game levels (1,50,100,150, and 200):


The background image used in this app ( ) is a Hubble picture. NASA and STSci have made these picture(s) available in the public domain.

The Hubble Copyright Notice can be found here:

The spelling dictionary, used by this app, is a subset of the words from 2of12.txt, which is in the public domain. (See for more information).


Download .apk

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